Our partners

The Place is made possible by the support of a network of partner organisations.

The following partners have been instrumental from the start, and will be a core part of The Place in the future:

University of York

The University has taken the lead, bringing people together to build a vision for The Place. Visit the About Us pages to learn more about how The Place began. 

Westfield Community Primary School

WPCS is a founding member of The Place and will be heavily involved in the future, working with us to support pupils and families both in and out of the classroom.

     York High School

YHS is a founding member of The Place   and will be heavily involved in the future, working with us to support pupils and families both in and out of the classroom.

City of York Council

We’ve worked with the City of York Council from the outset to identify core aims, find a venue and ensure the services we provide are aligned with existing provision in the city. 

Chapelfields Community Association

CCA have helped us to develop a programme of activity, identify areas of focus and ways of working together. They will also continue to run a food bank and community hub from the venue. 

A number of organisations will be supporting the delivery of activities at The Place, including: 

York Cares

City of York Council

York and North Yorkshire Police

The Place is funded through philanthropic donations. A number of organisations, foundations and individuals have made The Place possible by providing funding, services, goods and a huge amount of support and advice along the way.

The Place is here for the long term and we need your ongoing support to make that possible. If you, your organisation or foundation would like to support us or work with us, please do get in touch.