
The Place: Coffee, Cake & Crafts

All residents living in Westfield are welcome to drop in. 

Visit The Place to relax, grab a brew and a piece of cake, have a chat, and engage in a range of craft activities.

As we get to know you, drop-ins may include access to local community groups and other services to provide information advice and guidance.

10:30am-12pm every Wednesday

After School Activities 


Visit us on your way home from school!

The Place team run an hour of after school activities for children and young people on their way home from school. 

Wednesday Play: come and play games, do some crafting, work your way through a puzzle, and much more. Suggestions and ideas are always welcome too!

Monday Explore: Each week we will run a focused activity on a set theme, with a different theme each week as well as special guests!

Calling all parents with little ones aged 0 to 2 years old! 

We're thrilled to announce our Look, Say, Sing, Play Stay and Play sessions in collaboration with Early Talk for York and The Place! 

Join us every Tuesday from 10 am to 11:30 am for a fun-filled morning of bonding, learning, and playtime for you and your little ones.

 Look,  Say,  Sing, and Play with us, as we explore interactive activities designed to stimulate your child's development and enhance your parent-child connection. 

Community Hub and Social Events

Run by Chapelfields Community Association (CCA)

The Chapelfields Community Association run their long-standing Community Hub every Thursday morning, for anyone who wants to drop in for a cuppa and a chat. 

Information and advice drop-in services will be available, including the City of York Council’s Local Area Coordinator and Housing Management Officer.

The CCA also runs Bingo on a Tuesday afternoon, please speak to one of the CCA committee members if you are interested or find out more on their Facebook page.

1:30pm to 4pm every other Tuesday

10am to 12pm every Thursday 

Gateway Church After School Hangout

Anyone at school (primary or secondary) is welcome to join the Gateway Kids and Youth Teams for 90 minutes of games, crafts and other activities.

3:45pm to 5pm every Thursday during term time